Proponents of these desks suggest that health benefits may be acquired as standing desk use discourages long periods of sitting which has been.
Systematic review of standing and treadmill desks in the workplace.
Review a systematic review of standing and treadmill desks in the workplace brittany t.
Proponents of these desks suggest that health benefits may be acquired as standing desk use discourages long periods of sitting which has been identified as an independent health risk factor.
Standing and treadmill desks are intended to reduce the amount of time spent sitting in today s otherwise sedentary office.
Burra a department of applied human sciences human performance and health research laboratory university of prince edward island charlottetown canada b department of applied human sciences sport psychology research centre university of prince edward island.
Standing and treadmill desks both showed mixed results for improving psychological well being with little impact on work performance.
Request pdf on jan 31 2015 brittany t macewen and others published a systematic review of standing and treadmill desks in the workplace find read and cite all the research you need on.
A systematic review of standing and treadmill desks in the workplace.