If the swimming pool barrier is modified altered or rebuilt then the current swimming pools act 1992 swimming pools regulation 2008 and australian standard as1926 1 2012 is applied and previous exemptions cease.
Swimming pool fence height requirements.
Adapted from independent review of swimming pool barrier requirements for backyards swimming pools in nsw michael lambert.
Any gates built into a pool fence are required to be self closing.
Fence means a close type vertical barrier not less than four feet in height above ground surface.
Mesh fences are specifically made for swimming pools or other small bodies of water.
For the purposes of this section.
The swimming pool area must be enclosed by a fence or other suitable barrier with a minimum height of 4 feet.
Rules for pool fencing are intended to protect small children from accessing a pool area without supervision.
There can be no more than four inches from the ground to the bottom rail.
All swimming pool plans are required to identify the location of the required swimming pool barrier fencing and the height of the fencing.
Pool plans must include placement location of required walls fences can be combined on the same site plan pool plan approval will not occur until the accompanying fence wall plan has been approved.
Gaps at the bottom of the fence must be small enough to prevent a sphere with a 4 inch diameter to pass through.
Swimming pool and spa owners have a legal obligation to ensure that they maintain the effective operation of swimming pool and spa safety barriers.
B the height of the pool yard enclosure must be at least 48 inches as measured from the ground on.
Ordinances requiring fencing of swimming pools.
In accordance with the boca code the swimming pool fence has to be at least 48 inches high with a minimum of 45 inches between the bottom rail and the next highest rail which may or may not be the top rail of the pool fence design.
A except as otherwise provided by section 757 005 the owner of a multiunit rental complex with a pool or a property owners association that owns controls or maintains a pool shall completely enclose the pool yard with a pool yard enclosure.
Although mesh fences are meant to be removable the safest mesh pool fences are locked into the deck so that they cannot be removed without the extensive use of tools.
In victoria the construction and installation of swimming pools spas and safety barriers and barrier maintenance are all subject to the requirements of the building regulations 2018 the regulations.
Fences enclosing residential swimming pools must be no less than 48 inches in height measured from the side furthest away from the pool.
Like other pool fences mesh fences should be a minimum of 48 in height.