Spray shaving foam liberally on the hinge and then use a soft paper towel to push it into every nook and crevice of the hinge wiping off the excess when you re done.
Silence squeaky door hinge.
You can also dip the pins in melted paraffin wax to stop them from squeaking.
Feb 22 2013 when a door hinge develops a squeak due to wear or settling instead of reaching for a messy spray lubricant try this traditional non toxic non staining more information how to silence a squeaky door hinge an easy non toxic diy solution.
One classic condiment can work wonders as an in a pinch lubricant to silence a squeaky door.
Keep the door closed and work on only one hinge at a time.
Once the pin is loose pull it out lift up on the door handle to relieve pressure if the pin binds.
To stop squeaky door hinges apply a lubricating oil to the inside of the hinges.
Then tap the pins back into the hinges.
Loosen each hinge pin by tapping an 8d nail up from underneath.
If you ve got a door hinge that squeals every time you open the door we ve got the fix for you.