I would still not advise long term storage of guitars by hanging them on the wall.
Should i hang my guitar on the wall.
Using a philips screwdriver drive screws through the hanger s mounting holes into the wall.
A wall hook will keep it off the floor while still displaying it to the room through a u shaped grip that will hold it by the headstock while a stand supports the guitar by its base.
It will help to keep it out of their reach that would be the best thing you can do to your acoustic.
While hanging on the wall your guitar is far more susceptible to changes in humidity and temperature.
Not so good for the guitars.
It s generally accepted as a safe way to hang a guitar because the downward exertion from the weight of the guitar isn t nearly as strong as the pull of the strings in the opposite direction.
After that screw it properly so that they are attached to the wall.
There seems to be the on going argument between whether or not your guitar has a healthier and longer life in it s case or hanging up on the wall.
Should i hang my guitars or keep them in their cases.
Another benefit of hanging your guitar on the wall is that not only is it easier to access but it also serves as a reminder to pick it up and play it.
Place the wall anchors on the marked area and drill them into the wall.
The two guitars remain very stable year in and year out.
If there s no wall stud use the pilot holes to install the plastic toggles.
Finally hanging on the wall as opposed to a floor stand might be your best option if you are short on space.
I hang my guitars on the wall when i use them often and put them in a case if i m going away somewhere.
Use screwdriver to turn and push.
There would be no direct sunlight on the guitars nor is there currently.
If you have children at home you can increase the height on which you hang your guitar.
And these changes can definitely have an adverse effect on the wood your guitar is made from.
The change would be to hang them on the wall where they will be closer to a mass that changes temp.
Using guitar hanger step 1.
The safest place for your guitar is in its hard shell case.
Do you hang your guitars on the wall and have you had issues with neck movement or tuning problems.